Materi Kelas 7

Did you know Sir Isaac Newton was 23 when he discovered the law of gravity?

Module 1 OUR WORLD

Vocabulary :Hobbies and interests
Vocabulary - hobbies and interests

Grammar : Present Simple / Adverbs of frequency
(donwload materi klik di sini)

Word Builder :Multi-part verbs
(donwload materi klik di sini)

Sentence Builder :good at, bad at, interested in
(donwload materi klik di sini)

Sentence Builder :a lot, not very much
(donwload materi klik di sini)


Vocabulary : Food and Drinks
Vocabulary - food and drink

Grammar : Present Simple and Present Continuous
(donwload materi klik di sini)

Grammar : a, an, or the
(donwload materi klik di sini)

Word Builder :Expressions with have
(donwload materi klik di sini)

Sentence Builder :because and so
(donwload materi klik di sini)


Vocabulary :Crime, Machines in the home
Vocabulary - Crime
Vocabulary - Machines in the home

Grammar : Past Simple / Past time adverbials
(donwload materi klik di sini)

Word Builder : Collocations
(donwload materi klik di sini)

Word Builder : American English
(donwload materi klik di sini)

Sentence Builder : the man with / the woman in
(donwload materi klik di sini)

Sentence Builder : infinitive of purpose
(donwload materi klik di sini)


Vocabulary : Creatures, Adjectives
Vocabulary - Creatures

Vocabulary - Adjectives
Grammar : Past Continuous
(donwload materi klik di sini)

Word Builder : Collocations with get
(donwload materi klik di sini)

Sentence Builder : before, during, after
(donwload materi klik di sini)

Module 5 LOOKS

Vocabulary : Appearance
Vocabulary - appearance

Vocabulary - appearance

Grammar : Comparative and superlative adjectives
(donwload materi klik di sini)

Word Builder : -ed vs -ing adjectives
(donwload materi klik di sini)

Word Builder : Multi-part verbs
(donwload materi klik di sini)

Sentence Builder : questions with how + adjective
(donwload materi klik di sini)

Sentence Builder : too and enough
(donwload materi klik di sini)


Vocabulary : Holiday activities
Vocabulary - holiday activities

Vocabulary - opinion adjectives
Grammar : Countable and uncountable nouns
(donwload materi klik di sini)

Grammar : Indefinite pronouns
(donwload materi klik di sini)

Word Builder : suffixes for adjectives
(donwload materi klik di sini)

Sentence Builder : how much/many
(donwload materi klik di sini)


Vocabulary : Performers
Vocabulary - performers

Grammar : can/can't, have to/not have to
(donwload materi klik di sini)

Word Builder : Multi-part verbs with get
(donwload materi klik di sini)

Sentence Builder : Prepositions / particles at the end of sentences
(donwload materi klik di sini)


Vocabulary :
Vocabulary - technology

Vocabulary - technology
Grammar : will for predictions, Future Conditional
(donwload materi klik di sini)

Word Builder : prefix un-
(donwload materi klik di sini)

Sentence Builder : direct and indirect object
(donwload materi klik di sini)

Module 9 STYLE

Vocabulary : style
Vocabulary - style

Vocabulary - room

Grammar : Present Perfect
(donwload materi klik di sini)

Word Builder : Compound nouns
(donwload materi klik di sini)

Sentence Builder : I think (that), Directions
(donwload materi klik di sini)

Module 10 WINNERS

Vocabulary : Sports and Games
Vocabulary - sports and games

Grammar : Intentions and arrangements (Present Continuous vs be going to)
(donwload materi klik di sini)

Grammar : Questions
(donwload materi klik di sini)

Word Builder : noun suffixes
(donwload materi klik di sini)

Sentence Builder : for example / like
(donwload materi klik di sini)


Unknown said...

memakai kurikulum tahun berapa materi diatas?
thanks before

ferizka said...

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